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  1. Pingback: maymaym's status on Monday, 27-Apr-09 16:08:58 UTC -
  2. Axe, thanks for sitting down with me and helping me get people excited about making their own KinkForAll events. I like how you described it as “unlike any other kink event out there.” 🙂

    We talked a lot about how and why KinkForAll is important, why “the scene needs new people,” and how we can create a space that engages them in participatory ways while dealing with many of the socioeconomic barriers young people face. In case people missed the links in the podcast, here’s a list of a bunch of the stuff we mentioned in our conversation:

    The KinkForAll home page: <a href=””></a>

    The specific post I like to refer people to about KinkForAll: <a href=””>KinkForAll and the Evolution of Sexuality Communities</a>

    Some of my other, unrelated works are at: <a href=””></a>, <a href=””></a>, and of course my own blog at <a href=””></a>.

  3. Nice interview guys! It was short, sweet, and to the point. I can’t wait to hear maymay’s next interview.

    I’d never heard of an “unconference” before, and it was great the way maymay explained it – sounds like a blast and I hope there will be another one very soon. I’ll be checking out the web page for sure.

    I agree that when people are given time limits, they tend to present the most important information first and have to cut away all the extraneous filler that makes my ass go numb from sitting so long. Thank goodness for limits 🙂

  4. Hey Trinidad, thanks for the kind words on the interview. Unconferences are a fantastic thing, but they are not new nor are they in any way my idea. I think I mentioned this in the Interview, but I actually took the idea of KinkForAll straight from BarCamp, which itself has roots from something called FooCamp. In general, this is an evolution of an old idea.

    Check out the Wikipedia page about unconferences to learn more about them in general:

    or check out the KinkForAll wiki pages about TheRulesOfKinkForAll for a more specific notion of what the core aspects of KinkForAll unconferences are like:

  5. Axe, thanks for sitting down with me and helping me get people excited about making their own KinkForAll events. I like how you described it as “unlike any other kink event out there.” 🙂

    We talked a lot about how and why KinkForAll is important, why “the scene needs new people,” and how we can create a space that engages them in participatory ways while dealing with many of the socioeconomic barriers young people face. In case people missed the links in the podcast, here’s a list of a bunch of the stuff we mentioned in our conversation:

    The KinkForAll home page:

    The specific post I like to refer people to about KinkForAll: KinkForAll and the Evolution of Sexuality Communities

    Some of my other, unrelated works are at:,, and of course my own blog at

  6. […] first piece Axe published of our recording is about KinkForAll, now online as episode number 6 of the MasoCast. However, in order to fit into the MasoCast’s short-form segments, a lot of our conversation […]

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