Tag: Grindr

  • F^ck-Party USA

    F^ck-Party USA

    Big news! If you’re one of the first seven people to donate $200 or more you get to hang with Mistress Crimson. If you’re in New York, Boston or Chicago you can meet in person, otherwise you can visit her via Skype. Get advice about your sex life, coming out to your partner, scene ideas…

  • Nayland: Caged Heat

    Nayland: Caged Heat

    Nayland is back and as kick-ass as ever. We talk his artwork, chastity, cruising and so much more. You can find his incredible tumblr here.  If you’d like to hear a bonus clip from this episode where Nayland talks about what the art world can learn from the kink world, you can download it here.…