F^ck-Party USA
Big news! If you’re one of the first seven people to donate $200 or more you get to hang with Mistress Crimson. If you’re in New York, Boston or Chicago you can meet in person, otherwise you can visit her via Skype. Get advice about your sex life, coming out to your partner, scene ideas…
It Hurt And It Was Awesome
A talk with my friend Kate about being poly, her first experiences in the scene, her love of rope, ponies, planning your own gangbang and more. As always feel free show your support by leaving a comment on the website, emailing us, sending in a donation or reviewing the podcast on iTunes. I’m currently booked…
Homosapiens Like To Stick Things In Their Butts
Released while in the middle of Hurricane Irene, it’s another death defying episode where I sit down with Sex Nerd Sandra. We talk lube, all things anal, how she started as a sex educator, orgies, how she came out to her family and her brand spakin’ new podcast. You can find Sandra and the podcast…